Gammelgaard Lindgreen posted an update 2 years ago
Twisted Extracts caramelts review – These sweet, individually wrapped cannabis infused caramels are the perfect treat. They are a great way to consume THC and CBD in a discreet way.
They come in indica, sativa and CBD options so that everyone can enjoy them. All their products are dosed at a Health Canada approved lab and each one is made with the highest quality weed plants.
THC Caramels
THC Caramels are a great way to consume cannabis, especially for those who may not be able to ingest it orally. These sweet caramels are infused with a cannabis extract that can help you relax, unwind and feel more uplifted.
The best part about THC Caramels is that they are individually wrapped and easy to take on the go. You can easily snack on them throughout the day to relax and de-stress.
You can also try eating them with chocolate for a delicious treat. To get the most out of these edibles, you should start with a small dose and then increase it if needed.
You should also note that edibles tend to take more time to take effect than smoke. This is due to the conversion of THC to a more potent form called 11-hydroxy THC. This chemical can take 30 minutes to 90 minutes to kick in, and it will last anywhere from six hours to eight hours.
CBD Caramels
CBD Caramels are a sweet and delicious way to get your daily dose of cannabinoids. These soft caramels are individually wrapped and provide 15mg of CBD per piece.
These delicious caramels have a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio and are designed to help you relax, reduce stress, lift your mood and even cure insomnia! They are a great addition to your morning coffee, mid day snack or night time nite nite aid.
CBD is known for its ability to boost the brain’s serotonin and GABA receptors, which promote happiness and restful sleep. In addition, it’s also been shown to lower inflammation, which can play a big role in autoimmune conditions and other health problems.
Sativa Caramels
Sativa Caramels are a delicious way to enjoy a THC-infused treat. These caramels have a chocolate flavor and are chewy and soft. They have a similar texture to a gourmet fudge or tootsie roll.
Sativa edibles are commonly used to provide an uplifting, creative high that stimulates the mind and enhances social interactions. They are also great for reducing stress, fatigue and anxiety.
As with many other marijuana-infused products, the effects of sativa edibles can vary depending on individual tolerance and dosage. For example, an experienced stoner may not feel much for a 10 mg dose because his body has adjusted to the effects of weed.
The sativa-indica classification system was developed by botanists and scientists who were studying the plants and trying to understand their unique characteristics. While these strain names were helpful, they are no longer the best predictor of cannabis effects. They do not account for the specific cannabinoids or terpenes that contribute to these effects.
Indica Caramels
Caramels are one of the most popular cannabis edibles available. They are easy to prepare and store and come in a variety of flavors.
Twisted Extracts offers a line of Indica Caramels that are delicious and easy to take on the go. These caramels contain 10mg THC per caramel and are carefully dosed for a reliable effect.
They are ideal for use in conjunction with THC and CBD to maximize the benefits. These caramels have a rich buttery caramel flavour that masks the cannabis taste.
Those looking to feel relaxed and sleepy should try the Indica Caramels by Twisted Extracts. These caramels are infused with a THC concentrate ideal for helping to relieve stress and anxiety. They also help to alleviate pain symptoms and inflammation.
For reliable information and buying guide on twisted extracts edibles, you may want to visit this link on Spin Fuel.