• Kromann Slattery posted an update 5 months ago

    The definition of the saying chakra is a spinning vortex of your energy. It is often a Sanskrit (ancient language) word this means wheel or disk like. Our chakas are energy centers inside our bodies which can be constantly receiving energy from the surroundings and environment.

    Everything which includes ever happened to us undergoes our chakras since these energy centers send and receive energy. Chakras are about the height and width of your fist when balanced, must be spinning clockwise. It is important that our chakras are balanced because this provides better well-being and health on all levels, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

    Chakras which might be not balanced may create problems in several parts of your lifetime. T here are exercises and meditations that will help all night . energy work can be be extremely valuable in creating and this balance. There are 7 major chakras, which correlate for the colors with the rainbow.

    First chakra – root chakra and possesses regarding survival. It relates to insecurities, bladder and nervous disorders, sexual dysfunctions and skin problems.

    Second chakra – sacral chakra located below the navel. Examples of dysfunctions can be colitis, PMS, kidney problems ovarian/uterine disorders, emotional issues.

    Third chakra – solar plexus. Digestive and weight disorders will be a dysfunction, in addition to power issues, gallbladder, fear and self-esteem problems.

    Fourth chakra – heart center, is around giving and receiving love, compassion. Dysfunctions includes hypertension, heart and lung problems, asthma and sleep problems.

    Fifth chakra – throat center, governs every aspect of communication. Problems with this chakra may include the thyroid, jaw, tonsils, or an inability to express oneself.

    Sixth chakra – brow center, can also be called the “third eye”, our inner vision. An unbalanced brow chakra may arrive as eyesight problems, headaches inside the brow, glandular or endocrine issues or hormonal imbalances.

    Seventh chakra, located on the crown or top in the head is approximately our purpose in daily life. Major depression, problems relating to the pineal gland, learning disorders, headaches and light-headedness are related to imbalances within the crown chakra.

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