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  • Dolls For Men

    For men who have fantasies of erotica that don’t involve women, there are dolls. The company of Orange County makes life-like male sex toys.

    A male doll torso costs around $5,900. It can be customized to include additional costs like freckles, tattoos and a dildo that is thrusting and hairstyles for the body. People…[Read more]

  • Adult Toy Dolls Are Not Just Masturbation

    Adult dolls provide numerous therapeutic benefits. They can aid in sleeping better and feel more fulfilled. You can also use them to practice your pick-up lines or flirting skills.

    Sex dolls can be a great alternative to organic, flesh and blood human. They don’t get pregnancies or force you…[Read more]

  • Connor Marshall became a registered member 7 months, 1 week ago
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