• What is Mixed Anxiety Disorder?

    Depression and anxiety symptoms are common and usually occur in conjunction. It isn’t always easy to recognize. This article will explore the term “mixed anxiety disorder” and how to treat it.

    MADD symptoms are similar to GAD and differ only in the severity of the depression symptoms. It is…[Read more]

  • What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

    Although most of us are anxious or uncomfortable in certain social situations, people with social anxiety disorders experience intense fear and anxiety that can affect their daily lives. It can affect their relationships and careers. And it can cause depression and even addiction to…[Read more]

  • What Are the Best Medications For Anxiety Disorders?

    Treatment for anxiety disorders is usually an approach that combines medication, psychotherapy and exercise. The first choice for treating anxiety are antidepressants. Newer medications that have a lower suicide risk and easier side effects, like mirtazapine and nefazodone are more…[Read more]

  • Mixed Anxiety Depressive Disorder

    A patient with MADD may suffer from anxiety and depression simultaneously. The two can interact of one another and cause problems with concentration, poor sleep patterns and irritability that is easy to manage.

    MADD is a common disorder that has a lot of clinical significance. However, it is unclear…[Read more]

  • Ankersen Myrick became a registered member 9 months, 3 weeks ago

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