Crowley Hammer posted an update 9 months, 1 week ago
What Are Car Key Programmers?
Car key programmers are devices that duplicate a transponder within the memory of a car. They can be used to replace keys that were stolen or lost. They can also be used to reset oil service lights, tire pressure warning light and many other functions.
These tools are mostly bidirectional OBD II devices,…[Read more]
Crowley Hammer posted an update 9 months, 1 week ago
How to Program a Car Key
Modern cars have more than just a key that will start the engine. They also come with a remote control that can lock or unlock doors. These key fobs need to be programmed in order to function properly.
It is possible to program some car keys by the owner, but it is advised to consult an expert. This will…[Read more]
Crowley Hammer became a registered member 9 months, 1 week ago