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  • Sexy Real Doll

    Sex dolls are used for a variety of purposes, from sexual release to companionship. They’re also useful for people who suffer from disabilities or illnesses that leave them socially lonely.

    The primary material debate in sexual toys is about silicone or thermoplastic elastomer. Both are durable but TPE is a little…[Read more]

  • How to Make Sex Dolls Lifelike

    Sex dolls are a great way to satisfy your fantasies. But there are some things to keep in mind when deciding on the best one for you. For instance, you have to think about the material and the skeleton of your doll.

    The first step is to design a doll prototype. This can be used to design molds to be…[Read more]

  • Yilmaz Houmann became a registered member 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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